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The Man From her Wayward Past

Would the real Lucia Acosta please stand up? Fun-loving and feisty Lucia Acosta was the girl everybody wanted at their party. With her sultry South American looks she captured every man’s attention. One terrible secret later, a paler, quieter Lucia’s gone from owning the dance floor to cleaning it, when a ghost from parties past walks in…Luke Forster would recognise those curves anywhere – he grew up hypnotised by them! But as his best friend’s little sister she was strictly off-limits. He’s shocked to see her fallen so low, but relieved her pride’s still intact! The real Lucia Acosta is still in there somewhere, and he’s the man to tempt her out…‘I think I must be Susan’s biggest fan; I can’t get enough of her books!’ – Ruth, Web Developer, Brighton

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Рубрики: Современная зарубежная литература, Современные любовные романы

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  • Susan Stephens, The Argentinian's Solace
  • Susan Stephens, Taming the Last Acosta
  • Susan Stephens, Ruthless Boss, Dream Baby

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