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One Night with the Sheikh

‘I have never forgotten that night.’Once he’d chosen duty over love. Now, to escape his guilt and grief, widower Sheikh Rafiq Mehdi searches out the comfort of his old flame Dr Maysa Barad. Her passionate surrender makes him realise that Maysa is the woman he should have married; instead his marriage of convenience brought nothing but pain and heartbreak.But Maysa – beautiful, devoted, compassionate – is now considered too independent to be a sheikh’s bride. Rafiq might be ready to defy his kingdom to have Maysa this time, but the truth about Maysa could turn Rafiq’s world upside down…Discover more atwww.millsandboon.co.uk/kristigold

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Рубрики: Современная зарубежная литература, Современные любовные романы

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