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Love’s Nine Lives

Cara/Cassidy Colter/Caron

HE HARDLY KNEW HER, BUT HE ALREADY WANTED TO BE A BETTER MAN….She made rugged contractor Justin West believe he existed only to protect those more fragile than himself. And that, more than anything, told him Bridget Daisy was trouble. Justin had experienced enough heartache to make him unwilling to settle down anytime soon. And the lovely librarian exemplified commitment–from her copper-colored bun to her big orange cat, who saw no room for another male in Bridget’s life. Justin couldn’t agree more. So he vowed to stop thinking of her eyes, and lips and his hands in her hair. He would be a perfect gentleman.There was only one problem. He had never been a gentleman.

Cara/Cassidy Colter/Caron, Love’s Nine Lives — скачать в fb2, txt, epub или pdf

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Рубрики: Современная зарубежная литература, Современные любовные романы

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