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Mad For The Dad

Fabulous FathersDO YOU TAKE THIS DADDY?What luck! The sexiest man had just strolled past Rachel Gatlin’s window. Newly single, Rachel was all set to welcome her handsome new neighbor–and see if he had any plans for the rest of his life. But was that a baby he was holding?Though Rachel adored little tykes, she’d done motherhood already. Then Daniel Van Scott started coming around with his cooing kid and bedroom eyes, and she couldn’t resist sharing parenthood tips–and candlelight dinners–with the befuddled dad. But marry him for baby’s sake? Not unless Daniel could love her as the passionate wife she longed to be!Fabulous Fathers. This FABULOUS FATHER needs a full-time wife and mom!

Terry Essig, Mad For The Dad — скачать в fb2, txt, epub или pdf

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Рубрики: Современная зарубежная литература, Современные любовные романы

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