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Strangers When We Married

THE AGENT: Seth Greene, determined operative–and estranged husband and father.THE MISSION: Infiltrate his ex-wife’s home–and gain her much-needed expertise.THE DEVASTATING DISCOVERY: Seth is still very much in love with his ex….Their courtship was whirlwind, their marriage passionate–and all too brief. For the only way Seth had been able to keep his young bride happy and their baby boy safe was to walk away. Now that his latest mission had him sharing a roof with lovely Meghan again, Seth knew his greatest challenge lay ahead. For how could he convince his long-lost bride that their love–their life together–was meant to be?a year of loving dangerouslyWhere passion rules and nothing is what it seems….

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Рубрики: Зарубежные детективы, Современная зарубежная литература

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Ещё несколько книг Carla Cassidy

  • Carla Cassidy, Lost In His Arms
  • Carla Cassidy, Promised to a Sheikh
  • Carla Cassidy, Interrogating the Bride
  • Carla Cassidy, In a Heartbeat
  • Carla Cassidy, His New Nanny
  • Carla Cassidy, Waiting for the Wedding
  • Carla Cassidy, To Wed and Protect
  • Carla Cassidy, Special Agent's Surrender
  • Carla Cassidy, Snowbound with the Bodyguard
  • Carla Cassidy, His Case, Her Baby

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