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Taming a Dark Horse

NICE, REASONABLE, DEDICATED AND COMPLETELY QUALIFIED–NO WOMAN LIKE THAT WOULD BE WILLING TO LIVE WITH HIM.Linc Ketchum hadn’t been a pussycat before the fire at the T Bar K burned his hands, but now he was next to impossible. And he knew no woman would put up with him, especially not Nevada Ortiz, the so-called nurse that Linc’s cousin had sent to take care of him. She was unexpectedly pretty and smarth-mouthed to boot. Her jet-black hair and creamy brown skin were a serious distraction, not to mention the feelings that she stirred up. Like any cowboy, Linc hated to admit he might be wrong, but Nevada’s tender loving care was slowly changing his mind about women. Or one woman, in particular….

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Рубрики: Современная зарубежная литература, Современные любовные романы

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  • Stella Bagwell, The Heiress and the Sheriff
  • Stella Bagwell, Her Texas Ranger
  • Stella Bagwell, Just For Christmas
  • Stella Bagwell, The Cowboy And The Debutante

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