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A very kind book of fairy tales about Tashik the bear

In this book there are three wonderful fairy tales about a little bear. Tashik the bear lives in the forest with his family. He is small, but very brave. One day, Tashik the bear decided to find a fabulous clearing with berries and got lost in the forest thicket. Tashik met a squirrel named Apricot and an old and wise wolf who helped him find his way home. Later Tashik the bear met a very strange boy on the bank of the river. The boy got lost in the forest and could not find his way home. They came out of the dark forest and saw the city where the boy lived. Now Tashik the bear and the boy are real friends. And last but not the least, a cold and snowy winter has come to the forest. The bear cub admires snow, snowflakes and winter. But that’s not all! Tashik the bear learns for the first time what Christmas is, goes to visit the forest spirits, meets his old and new friends and makes the most cherished wish.

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Рубрики: Детская проза, Природа и животные, Сказки

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