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Forever, Plus One

35 year old Emily Mitchell is still reeling from the surprise news that she is pregnant. Just married, she and Danielle have no time to process the news as they are thrust into doctor appointments, preparing for the baby’s arrival—and, in a surprise party, the revelation of their baby’s gender.

Summer has finally returned to Sunset Harbor, and Emily and Daniel have their hands full with the overflowing inn, their gut renovation of Trevor’s house, the building of a new spa, and Chantelle’s reacting to the baby news. They barely have time to settle into life as newlyweds when Emily gets a call from her dad: he wants them all to visit him in England. Surprising herself, Emily agrees.

A life-changing trip to England culminates in shocking news, and Emily finds herself reeling. Daniel withdraws, and as summer comes to a close and her pregnancy develops, she wonders: will she ever be able to settle into this new life?

And will life with Daniel ever be the same again?

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Рубрики: Зарубежные любовные романы, Современные любовные романы

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Ещё несколько книг этого автора

  • Sophie Love, Für Immer mit Dir
  • Sophie Love, Pour Toujours et A Jamais
  • Sophie Love, Eine Liebe in Paris
  • Sophie Love, Sempre Con Te
  • Sophie Love, Agora e Para Sempre
  • Sophie Love, Natale per Sempre
  • Sophie Love, Ora e per sempre
  • Sophie Love, Para Todo o Sempre
  • Sophie Love, Per Te, per Sempre
  • Sophie Love, Para Sempre, com Você
  • Sophie Love, Wenn es Doch Nur Für Immer Wäre
  • Sophie Love, Weihnachten Für Immer
  • Sophie Love, Se Solo per Sempre
  • Sophie Love, Pour L’Eternite, Plus Un
  • Sophie Love, Una Amore Cosi’ Grande
  • Sophie Love, Pour L’éternité, et un Jour
  • Sophie Love, Italienische Nächte
  • Sophie Love, Für Immer und Noch Ein Tag
  • Sophie Love, Un Amore come il Nostro
  • Sophie Love, Eine Liebe im Schnee

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