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Valle de los Elfos. Non-adapted fairy tale for translation from Spanish into English and from English into Spanish

In the book there is an exercise to translate and retell a fairy tale from Spanish into English, and an exercise to translate and retell the English version of the same fairy tale into Spanish. The exercises have the keys. In the fairy tale there are 899 Spanish / English words. Due to complexity, the book corresponds to the levels B2—C1. It is recommended for a wide range of people studying Spanish and English, as well as for native English speakers studying Spanish.

 Tatiana Oliva Morales, Valle de los Elfos. Non-adapted fairy tale for translation from Spanish into English and from English into Spanish — скачать в fb2, txt, epub или pdf

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Рубрики: Языкознание

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  • Tatiana Oliva Morales, Russian as a foreign language. Non-adapted fairy tale for translation from English and retelling. Book 1 (levels A2–В1)
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