Religious Implications of Atheism
Konstantin Volkodav
This book formulates a Particular Principle of Causality (the Phenomenon of Creativity), which serves as a solid foundation for any kind of evidence of the existence of God. It is almost impossible to challenge it. In the book, this principle was formulated for the first time. The book also examines aspects of theodicy that have been a stumbling block for theologians throughout the centuries. In addition, many other important theological topics here are illuminated from unusual angles. Quite often, atheists oppose their concept to religions. However, a detailed analysis of the metaphysics of the atheistic worldview shows that atheism has all the features of religion. This book reasonably explains that Atheism is a religion of unbelief.
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Метки: Вселенная, религии, религиозно-философская проблематика, Самиздат, свобода личности
Рубрики: Религиоведение, Философия
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