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Note: To read before the wedding

Yury Gurkov

This book will be useful to YOU – before and after marriage, as well as in preparing your children for a happy married life.

The book «Note: to read before the Wedding» will help you with the following cases:

– How to choose a spouse and not make mistakes

– How to save a family if you are already married

– You will understand how to predict your future relationship with your husband/wife

– You will learn what tools you can use to create and save a happy family

– You will see what mistakes in relationships that lead to divorce

– You will find the answer what is advanced family relationships in love

– You can better prepare your children for a happy marriage.

The book contains more than 20 interviews with real people from different countries and different ages from 20 to 80 years old, about who and how chose their spouse, and what came of it … Read, analyze, develop and change yourself to create and keep your happy family.

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Рубрики: Воспитание детей, Личностный рост, Секс и семейная психология

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