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The Magical Adventures of Sparky the Unicorn

Максим Сороко

«The Magical Adventures of Sparky the Unicorn» is a storybook for kids about a young unicorn named Sparky who sets out on a journey to discover the magic within herself. Along the way, she meets new friends, overcomes challenges, and learns important lessons about friendship, perseverance, and self-belief.Throughout the story, Sparky uses her magical powers to help those in need and faces obstacles that test her courage and determination. With the help of her friends, she discovers that the greatest magic of all comes from within, and that she is capable of achieving anything she sets her mind to.Filled with colorful illustrations and charming characters, «The Magical Adventures of Sparky the Unicorn» is a heartwarming and inspiring tale that encourages kids to embrace their uniqueness and follow their dreams.

 Максим Сороко, The Magical Adventures of Sparky the Unicorn — скачать в fb2, txt, epub или pdf

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Рубрики: Детская фантастика, Детские приключения, Зарубежные детские книги

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