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The Future of Love: Exploring AI, Extraterrestrial Relationships, and the Algorithm of the Perfect Match

Karina Shchepetova

Are you ready to explore the future of love? If so, look no further than «The Future of Love: Exploring AI, Extraterrestrial Relationships, and the Algorithm of the Perfect Match» – a thought-provoking science fiction novel that will take you on a journey through the intersection of love, technology, and the unknown.»The Future of Love» is not just about aliens and space travel. It also delves into the algorithms that power modern dating apps, and asks the important questions about whether we can truly find the perfect match using data and technology. As our world becomes increasingly reliant on algorithms, this book challenges us to think critically about the role they play in our love lives.

 Karina Shchepetova, The Future of Love: Exploring AI, Extraterrestrial Relationships, and the Algorithm of the Perfect Match — скачать в fb2, txt, epub или pdf

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Рубрики: Космическая фантастика, Научная фантастика

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