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Tempted by Dr Daisy

When a messy divorce leaves Ben Walker’s young daughter distraught, she automatically takes priority over his love-life. But little Florence finds bubbly colleague and girl-next-door Daisy Fuller as lovable as Ben does! Perhaps together they can persuade Daisy to open her heart again…to two people who’ll cherish her for ever! The Fiancée He Can’t Forget Seeing ex-fiancée Amy at his brother’s wedding throws Matt Walker’s world dangerously off-balance. Their relationship imploded years ago, but he’s never got her out of his head – and neither can resist a one-night-only reunion! But Matt wants a lifetime by Amy’s side, not a night, and a pregnancy bombshell gives him the chance to prove it… The Legendary Walker Doctors finally find the women who can live up to their dreams!

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Рубрики: Современная зарубежная литература, Современные любовные романы

Комментарии ()


Ещё несколько книг Caroline Anderson

  • Caroline Anderson, The Surgeon's Miracle
  • Caroline Anderson, Risk of a Lifetime
  • Caroline Anderson, Mother of the Bride
  • Caroline Anderson, Just a Family Doctor
  • Caroline Anderson, The Secret in His Heart
  • Caroline Anderson, The Fiancée He Can't Forget

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