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Hosea’s Bride

Forced into prostitution by her stepfather, Angela Warren found salvation one dark, terrifying night in Crossroads Church. The words of a handsome visiting preacher and the strength she found in the Lord led her to a new life in Harmony, Colorado.But Angela’ s hard-won happiness was threatened when her church appointed a new pastor, Hosea Stevens– the very preacher who’ d saved her years ago. Angela tried to avoid him, lest he recognize her, but Hosea persisted in knowing her better. Panicked by his romantic interest– and her own feelings– Angela fled, but Hosea pursued her. Could he bring her back to his church… as his bride?

Dorothy Clark, Hosea’s Bride — скачать в fb2, txt, epub или pdf

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Рубрики: Современная зарубежная литература, Современные любовные романы

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