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Inherited: One Baby!

Needed: One Wife!A quick, convenient marriage was the only way Jake Peterson could keep custody of the adorable orphaned baby left in his care. The only woman suitable as the bride-to-be was Candy Jacobs–his ex-wife. Though circumstances had forced them to part long ago, the sizzle between them was stronger than ever. But would the price of marriage cost love-wary Jake more than he bargained for?No matter how hard she tried to resist, Candy was soon roped in by baby Bonnie’s little hugs and Jake’s toe-curling kisses. But before she would agree to become this bachelor dad’s wife, Jake needed to understand that Candy wanted his heart first…

Laura Altom, Inherited: One Baby! — скачать в fb2, txt, epub или pdf

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Рубрики: Современная зарубежная литература, Современные любовные романы

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