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How to lose weight quickly and stay in a slim figure

Ilia Vasilov

A complete man, who is he? This is a person with a disturbed metabolism, that is, metabolism! But how it is regulated and what to do, you will learn in this short course with illustrations in a simple and understandable language without medical terms, you do not need to run to lose weight, you do not need to follow a diet to lose weight … You need to understand how your body works and apply the recommendations of this course. By the way, the course provides a methodology for how to stay in a beautiful figure all the time, that is, you can eat anything, the main thing is to observe certain body signals and follow simple recommendations. It is published in the author’s edition with the preservation of the author’s spelling and punctuation.

The administration of the LitRes website is not responsible for the information provided. There may be medical contraindications, a specialist consultation is necessary.»

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Рубрики: Здоровье, Спорт, фитнес

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